Team Spirit & Signs Meditation Collection

This meditation collection includes five of the meditations from the self-guided course, "Team Spirit & Signs." If the course is not a fit for you, but you are still looking for a way to make or strengthen your connection to your team in spirit, these guided meditations from Rebecca offer you the tools you need. You can see the included meditations and the descriptions for each below.

Please note that if you purchased the course "Team Spirit & Signs," you already have access to these meditations.

Accessing Team Spirit: This meditation is designed to help you astral travel out of your body and into the higher heavens, as Rebecca guides you along the journey out of your mind and into your higher spiritual awareness. It can also help plant the seeds for this experience to occur when you go to bed at night. Either way, connecting to your Team Spirit will fill your mind, body, and soul with the pure, positive energy of the love, light, and peace of God.

Breadcrumbs from Beyond: This meditation is designed to help you get present, into your body and into your heart, so that you can open up to receive the signs that Spirit will show you throughout your day. It is a gentle invitation to your team in spirit so that they can continue to validate that you are on the right track and divinely supported as you walk your path.

Meeting Your Spirit Guides and Guardian Angel: This meditation takes you on a journey to connect with your spirit guides and guardian angel. Get to know these members of your team in spirit more intimately, asking them what you need to know, for your highest and best good.

Welcoming the Signs: This meditation helps attune you to the higher frequency of Spirit and connect with the divine light within you. Open up to receive the messages that Spirit has for you and set the intention to continue recognizing the signs and messages that you will continue to receive throughout the day.

Working With Your Team Spirit - Deceased Loved Ones: This meditation takes you on a journey to connect with your departed loved ones, releasing you from any fear and doubts so that you can receive their valuable insights. Let your loved ones on the other side show their love and support as they reveal themselves to you during a spiritual journey.