Team Spirit &Signs

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Bundle with Prayer and Meditation course.


Do you know that you are constantly supported by loved ones, angels, and guides on the other side? Do you want to learn more about who makes up your “team spirit” and how you can connect with them on a daily basis?

One of the most important parts of my work is to remind you that we are all loved and supported, and we are never alone. We all have unseen support made up of loved ones, angels, guides, and ascended masters, acting behind the scenes to help us along our path. I call this spiritual support system our “team spirit.” Our team only wants the best for us and their goal is to help guide us toward our highest and best good. Their emphatic message is that we all have the ability to call on them and that they want us to call on them as we continue to navigate through life.

My goal in creating this course is to help you learn who makes up your team, how you can call on them for help or guidance, the signs you may receive and how you can connect, and so much more. The more aware and appreciative you are of your team and their guidance, the more synchronicities, magic, and miracles, you’ll start to experience. 

Why this course?

As a messenger for Spirit, it is important to me that I continually remind you that you do not need me or anyone else to make a connection to departed loved ones, guides, or angels – what I refer to as your team spirit. We all have the ability to connect to our team spirit and one of my missions in doing this work is to help give you the tools to do so. This course will give you an in-depth understanding of who makes up your team, how Spirit supports you, and how you can deepen your connection with this guidance, love, and support on the other side.

What will I learn?

This course is meant to empower you to know that you have a team of loved ones, angels, guides, and ascended masters guiding and supporting you along your path. I will be passing along what I have learned in my more than two decades of doing this work and what I know to be true from working with my own spirits and working with clients to bridge the connection with their teams. This course will focus on who makes up your team spirit, how you can call on them, the common signs from Spirit, the ways that you can connect, what may be blocking you from connecting, and when to see a medium or seek other outside help.

What do I get?

A video lesson with Rebecca

8 guided meditations

Written copies of each meditation - PDF

An ebook and audio copy of the video lesson for on-the-go learning

Suggested tools and activities to supplement your learning

Lifetime course access

About the guided meditations

Each of the eight guided meditations is meant to help you connect with your team spirit. They will help you to connect with specific members of your team spirit and open your mind to the guidance available to you from beyond. I always say that intuition is like a muscle and you have to practice to strengthen it. These meditations are a great starting point in establishing your own daily practice, as well as encouraging you to intentionally call on your team and exercise your intuitive muscle.