How to set intentions and actively manifest what you desire


We are all active co-creators of our realities and we have the power to set intentions for what we want our lives to look like.  A question that I often get asked is how to set intentions and what we can actively do to manifest what we desire.  This is an activity that is perfect for checking in with yourself, getting clear on what you want, and then placing your order with the Universe!  

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Start by sitting in a quiet place, undistracted, and with your computer or paper and pen at your side. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Mentally call on your Team Spirit to assist you in doing some honest self-inquiry.

Then, open your eyes and make two lists:

  • Reality List (where I am)

  • Wish List (where I want to be)

On the Reality List, write down what your life currently looks like–physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  Write down both the positive and negative without judging what it is.  Try to be objective and write down whatever comes to mind and heart before you talk yourself out of it, downplay or justify it, get emotionally wound up about it, etc.  Just put it onto the list.

Next, take pause and close your eyes. Ask your Team Spirit to help you shift gears and fantasize about how you wish your life to be. Either meditate on what your heart and soul longs for, or open your eyes and go straight to jotting it down on your list. As you create your wish list, you may say to yourself, “In a perfect world, I have X, or I am X,” etc.  Include both material desires such as more money, a bigger house, a dream car, the perfect lover, etc. but in addition (and in my opinion more importantly) include how having these things would make you feel. You may say “I want to feel more balanced and grounded," or "I want to feel fulfilled in my romantic relationship." Ultimately what our soul is after is the feeling these “things” bring us, such as greater joy, self-love, self-esteem, creativity and inspiration, fulfillment, peace of mind, deeper faith and trust, etc.

Finally, under these two lists, and after sitting with what came up and out for you, write a list that intentionally places your order with the Universe. You might start with, THANK YOU for bringing into my life:

And then, make your list of what is meaningful and what matters most to you that you want to experience right now and in moving forward. Whether you listed 1 or 100 wishes, act as if the Universe heard and placed your order, and what you desire is already on its way.  Then, let go. 

End the list by offering a prayer of gratitude for all your current blessings and place these wishes in God’s hands, trusting the Universe will deliver whatever is in your highest and best good at exactly the right time.

Remember that a huge part of intention setting and co-creating our reality is working in tandem with the Universe.  It’s best to focus on our “what” and “why” while releasing the details of “how” and “when.”  This is why focusing on the feelings associated with those desires is so important.  When we do this, we trust that what we desire or something better will come in divine timing and order.

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