Prayer and Meditation Bundle

This meditation collection includes five of the meditations from the self-guided course, "Begin Within: Prayer & Meditation." If the course is not a fit for you, but you are still looking for a way to begin or continue your meditation practice, these guided meditations from Rebecca offer you the tools you need. You can see the included meditations and the descriptions for each below.

Please note that if you purchased the course "Begin Within: Prayer & Meditation," you already have access to these meditations.

Bubble Wrap Protection Meditation: This meditation is designed to help you protect your energy from anything that could potentially drain you of your love and light. It reminds you that while we cannot control who and what shows up in our lives, we can choose what we allow in. It is great for encouraging you to welcome more positive influences into your life.

Ground and Connect Meditation: Quiet your mind of all the unnecessary chatter that often clouds the mind. This meditation will help you get calm, peaceful, and grounded. It also acts as a doorway to your higher self and your higher guidance. This meditation can be done anywhere, so long as you can take a few minutes to go within and connect.

Night Prowler Meditation: This meditation is designed to help you gently and easily fall asleep or fall back to sleep. It specifically helps you to quiet your mind chatter and move away from thoughts that are creating worry, stress, fear, and anxiety. This meditation reminds you to give anything that is not serving you to God and your guides, and return to your heart and soul, where peace resides.

Power Of Now Meditation: This meditation is designed to show you the power of now and the importance of living in the present moment. It reminds you that when you are fully present and aware, you are able to reach a higher vibration and tap into your intuition. This meditation is perfect if you are looking to achieve a calmer, more alert mind, and can be used to help solidify your daily meditation practice.

Wholehearted Meditation: This meditation is designed to help you get in touch with your truest self and reminds you to lead with your feelings and your heart. When we live life with a full and open heart, we are more connected to our feelings, which leads us to a place of truth.