Set the intention

It all starts with an intention. Setting an intention to connect with spirit is the first step, as spirit will not reach out unless you invite it to. It may seem simple, but setting the intention may require the most work on your part. Set aside time to really think about what you want to know, and that will help you decide what to ask. You need to clearly determine your intention and take the necessary steps to make it happen.

Once you know your intention, you will want to put your best self forward. There are practices I invoke daily to do my work, such as beginning and ending my day in meditation and prayer. I also make sure to only invite in spirits that are happily resting on the other side (an important and deliberate part of my intention). In addition, I spend time grounding and protecting myself, and being aware of when my own mind chatter is getting in the way—which is sometimes easier said than done!

