Join spiritual medium, Rebecca Rosen, and energy healer, Jakki Leonardini, for a two-part series around healing your energy and aligning with your higher self.  

In the first webinar, Rebecca and Jakki will discuss karmic lineage and the ancestral patterns that may be undesirable as you move forward on your journey.  Then, in the second webinar, they will help you welcome in abundance and miracles as you reclaim your power as a co-creator.  

Through live readings and energy work, Rebecca and Jakki will facilitate growth and healing for all attendees, while also providing you with the tools that you need to maintain your energy going forward.

Elevate your journey with our exclusive VIP package! Not only will you gain full access to both transformative webinars, but you'll also receive a signed copy of Rebecca's latest book, and the empowering 'Call Back Your Energy Meditation Series.' And, you'll also be entered into a drawing to be 1 of 3 people per webinar (6 total for the series) that will be read or receive healings from Rebecca and Jakki.

 Clear Your Karmic Lineage

October 10th at 5:00 pm Mountain Time, 90 minutes

Join Rebecca Rosen and Jakki Leonardini for the first webinar in the Reclaim Your Power Series.  This transformative Zoom event focuses on clearing your karmic lineage and healing undesirable ancestral patterns. 

Rebecca will provide live readings for select participants and offer universal downloads from Spirit, while Jakki will conduct healing work to clear and heal participants.  

The goal of this event is for all participants to have a greater awareness of what ancestral traumas and patterns may be playing a role in their soul contracts.  Through this work and guidance, Rebecca and Jakki will collectively facilitate healing and empowerment for all participants.


 Co-Create Your Future

October 17th at 5:00 pm Mountain Time, 90 minutes

Join Rebecca Rosen and Jakki Leonardini for the second webinar in the Reclaim Your Power Series.  This powerful Zoom event focuses on co-creation, magic, and aligning with abundance.  

Through live readings from Rebecca and healing work from Jakki, attendees will be given the information they need to move into their highest 5D timeline.  Learn how to clear limiting beliefs, integrate vibrational shifts for lasting change, and reclaim power as an active co-creator of your life.


 Ready to Register?

You can purchase either webinar individually or bundle the two for increased savings.  

What's included in my registration?

  • Admission to attend either or both webinars live

  • A recording of the webinars you register for, in case you are unable to attend live or you want to watch it again

  • Digital download of the slide decks and tools

Experience Ultimate Healing with VIP Access

Elevate your journey with our exclusive VIP package! Not only will you gain full access to both transformative webinars, but you'll also receive:

  • Registration for both webinars (including the recordings)

  • Signed Book

  • Call Back Your Energy Meditation Series by Rebecca

  • Entrance into a drawing to be 1 of 3 people per webinar (6 total for the series) that will be read or receive healings from Rebecca and Jakki

Don't miss out on this chance to connect deeply with your energy and spirit. Upgrade to VIP today and immerse yourself in an unparalleled healing experience!