Wrapping Up Season 3: Our Sacred Journey

Season three of "Small Medium at Large" by Rebecca Rosen wraps up with a highlight reel showcasing key moments and themes from the season. Rebecca explores the four main themes: energy maintenance and healing, co-creation or manifestation, intuition development, and soul contracts. This episode also delves into healing from loss, cutting energetic cords, raising vibration for protection, co-creation with the universe, and distinguishing between divine and ego thoughts. The episode concludes with an in-depth look at the Enneagram as a spiritual tool.

Key Points:

  • Healing from Loss:

    • Cut fear-based energetic cords

    • Reframe situations from "why" to "what" and "how"

    • Practice gratitude and blessing situations

  • Energy Protection:

    • Project light and align with divine forces

    • Use prayers and affirmations for guidance and protection

  • Co-Creation:

    • Understand and engage with the quantum field

    • Balance clear intention with surrender

    • Stay attuned to feelings and signs from the universe

  • Distinguishing Thoughts:

    • Mind thoughts vs. divine thoughts

    • Practice the trifecta check: head, heart, and gut

  • Enneagram as a Tool:

    • Identify core spiritual energy and shadow sides

    • Use to understand and navigate life lessons and soul contracts


9 Lives: The Spirit of The Enneagram

Meditation Series for calling back energy

What's Your Heaven? by Rebecca

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