Beyond Materialism: How to Give Thoughtful, Spirit-Led Gifts This Holiday

The holiday season is such a beautiful time to connect deeply—with our loved ones, those in spirit, and the divine energy surrounding us. Regarding gift-giving, I always encourage choosing gifts intentionally, from the heart, rather than out of a sense of obligation. Sometimes, we are even moved by spirit to give something meaningful on behalf of a loved one in spirit. I experienced this recently when a client gave me a rose quartz skull, not realizing it was something my guides had been nudging me to find. It was a powerful reminder that sometimes we serve as messengers, bringing through exactly what someone else needs.

As we focus on meaningful giving, it’s important to remember that the real gift is our love, thoughtfulness, and presence. Gifts can be physical items, but they can also be shared experiences, time, and acts of kindness. Gary Chapman's The Five Love Languages reminds us that people receive love in unique ways—whether through words, quality time, or other expressions. When we slow down, reflect, and ask spirit for guidance, our gifts carry the energy of our appreciation and love, creating memories that last long beyond the season. So, as we celebrate, may our offerings of light and love bring joy to those around us. Brightest blessings and happy holidays!