Spiritual Tool: Automatic Writing

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As you may know, my whole journey into this spiritual world began through my love for writing. As a young kid, I was encouraged by my older brother (who has always been one of my greatest life teachers) to journal my thoughts and feelings. This practice became a source of therapy of for me, dumping anything that was weighing heavily on my mind or heart onto the paper and out of my system. Journaling has always been one of the greatest ways for me to process and reflect what is going on in my life. And over time, I realized I was especially drawn to this practice because one of my strongest “clairsenses’ happens to be “clairaudience”, which means “clear hearing”. And that’s when my awareness of my strong psychic abilities made itself known to me.

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One day a long time ago, back in college, when I was struggling with my depression, I started pouring out my frustrations into my journal (for the full story, refer back to my first book, Spirited). And that’s when a strong force came over me, and dragged my hand across the page, furiously for an hour or more, talking “through me”, saying it was both my guardian angel and dead grandma Babe. Yikes! Not only was I never into this psychic realm prior to that experience, but I had no intention of hearing from the grandma that scared me in life and died by suicide! But the energy and information coming through me was anything but scary… it was loving, peaceful, and wise. And that was the beginning of my journey of “automatic writing”, as I later came to find out it was called.

And so, whenever I’m feeling frustrated, sad, confused, lost, alone or insecure, I pull out my journal (now in the form of my laptop!), and unload whatever it is that’s not serving me. How do I do this? It’s simple and anyone can do so if they feel the need to vent, at any time!

  • I start by doing a free flow of writing, just allowing whatever thoughts or feelings are coming up for me, to spill out of me and onto the page. I do this until I feel like I have nothing left.

  • I then pause and take a few deep breaths, praying (or asking) for any guidance, wisdom, insight, or love from my Team Spirit and Source to channel through me. It’s great to give your Team Spirit permission to come in, therefore a simple invitation is all they need to spill the beans on whatever it is you most need to know at that time.

  • I then pick up my pen again, or put my hands on the keyboard, and start writing whatever words I hear in my mind’s voice, or whatever feelings I start being impressed with…and the momentum gradually picks up as I surrender to the process. I do not edit or filter what’s coming to me; rather, I allow the flow to take over. This takes pressure off, knowing nobody else needs to see or hear what’s coming through if I don’t choose to share it. And I allow the words to flow through me until I no longer feel like there’s anything left to be said, or the words simply stop coming.

Whenever I get an overwhelming feeling I need to write, I know this is my cue from my guides that they need me to check in with them. And when I honor this guidance and make the time and space to do so, I am always left with powerful wisdom, guidance, and love from above! It’s really an imperfect process that is actually divinely perfect, if we can get out of our heads and into our hearts. That is where our intuition lies, and our point of contact with our team spirit and the Divine forces available to us.