We Only Have Control Over Ourselves

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This is a message that I recently shared through my weekly newsletter, and felt guided to post here as well. If you're interested in more messages like this, be sure to subscribe to my mailing list!

The events over the last year have brought so many things to the surface for us to individually or collectively heal. While these realizations have most recently been brought on by extraordinary circumstances, they have offered good reminders for our day-to-day lives - reminders that can only benefit us and continue to help us grow going forward. Something that I've been hearing frequently from clients is that they feel heavy. They can't seem to shake energetic, or in some cases even physical, weight in the last few months. Their complaints and concerns are that they are feeling weighed down and it's caused a sort of chronic condition that they are having a hard time fixing.

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When they go within, whether through a reading or their own spiritual work, these same clients have found that they are carrying an energetic burden that is not theirs to take on. Perhaps they are taking care of family members, trying to "fix" their partner, or worrying about the actions of loved ones that they ultimately have no control over. In these instances, I tell these clients that the lesson in all of it is to get clear on what is theirs and what is not theirs. Do they have boundaries in place to protect their own energy? Are they trying to control a situation or person that they cannot control? At the end of the day, we only have control over ourselves and how we respond to the trials and tribulations in our lives. As hard as it can be to accept, we cannot control every situation, person, or relationship around us - nor are we meant to. The sooner that we accept that fact, the sooner we can release the resistance that we are holding onto. Once we release resistance, the energetic weight begins to come off and we start to feel lighter, brighter, and closer to the highest version of ourselves.

That said, we are not meant to do "earth school" alone. In learning what belongs to us and what doesn't, as well as where we need to establish boundaries, we can learn to rely on our support systems both here in the physical world and on the other side. If you're feeling heaviness and are struggling to release resistance and control, delegate what you can to the living and call on your team spirit in prayer to take care of the rest. Ask them to help you release the weight you are carrying and to show you how you can best show up for yourself and those around you. When we do this, we can shift our focus from control to one of flow. We recognize that by focusing on ourselves and releasing the weight we are carrying, we are able to better show up, serve, and shine our light in every situation.