Open Arms and a Hopeful Heart

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As we really begin to settle into 2021, I wanted to share a message with you that I recently included in a newsletter to my mailing list at the start of the year. Given my readings the past couple of weeks, I know that this continues to resonate with so many and I hope it's helpful to you as we continue to set our intentions, learn our lessons, and experience the growth we are divinely meant to.

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Many of us are welcoming this new beginning with open arms and a hopeful heart. 2020 gave us many gifts by showing us what needed to be released, what lessons we still needed to learn, and providing us with the contrast to know what we truly want and need in this new year. My message to you at the start of most years includes setting your intentions and getting clear on what you want to call in, so that you can start the year off aligned, focused, and present. I would encourage you to continue this practice this year, so that you can keep actively co-creating what you desire, and what is for your highest and best good.

I would also encourage you to do even more self-reflection, surrender, and releasing in the coming weeks. 2020 was a big year for many of us, both personally and as a whole. It's important to truly take inventory of what was learned, what areas we still need to grow in, and how we can continue to show up. The lessons and detours of life are what help our soul to evolve. That evolution and transformation does not come easily, and it is not without some anger, sadness, resentment, and heartbreak. If you are still struggling with those emotions, sit with them for however long you need and acknowledge them. We have to recognize our feelings before they can be released and we can move forward. This is an important step in manifesting our desired future. We have to make room for the new by letting go of the old. Then, once you've released what you need, give gratitude for what was revealed to you in the last year as guidance on how to move forward as you start this new chapter. Recognize that without shining a light on these tough and necessary areas, we cannot see the silver lining of knowing how to do better in the future. While 2020 was perhaps meant to teach, 2021 may be a year to witness the miracle and beauty of that growth. I wish you all a bright and blessed 2021 filled with even more magic, miracles, love, and light.

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