May 2, 2023

4:45 pm - 7:15 pm

Join spiritual medium Rebecca Rosen for this intimate event of live readings and Q&A.  This reading will demonstrate our connection to Spirit, where a selection of people will be read and, even if you aren't chosen for a reading, the messages are universal and meant for all.

This event will be open to a small group of only 32 people. This will be a first-come, first-served evening and a rare opportunity to connect with Rebecca and Spirit.

You have the opportunity to add up to three signed copies of Rebecca’s new book, What’s Your Heaven?, to your ticket purchase. Any books that are ordered will be handed out at the event. After the reading and Q&A, Rebecca will also be available for a book signing for more personal inscriptions.

 **All times are Mountain Time.

Tickets to the event:

Signed Copies of What’s Your Heaven?:

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