Welcome to The Spirit of The Enneagram!

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose
our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
— Victor Frankl

All that you’ve gone through in life has brought you to where you are, here and now. With each twist and turn on your road, you’ll continue to evolve. The 9 Lives Program is one that will be there for you during each challenge, milestone, relationship, and achievement.

  • Several years ago, I experienced a significantly difficult time that tested me on parts of my soul contract - the loose blueprint of milestones, relationships, and life lessons that we incarnate with.  At this particular moment in my life, I knew that my contract was pointing me to the important life lessons I had signed up for.  As a natural giver, caretaker, and empath, I knew that I struggled with establishing healthy boundaries, recognizing my worthiness, and showing myself the love I give to those around me.  

    Sometimes, we go through external circumstances that act as a mirror to this inner programming, forcing us to face those lessons head on.  As I experienced struggle and resistance, particularly in my career and work life, my Team Spirit assured me that the challenges I was facing were helping me to ascend even higher.

    When we are asked to rise higher and shine brighter, we also have to heal old wounds and combat parts of our ego so that we can get there.  I knew that through this ascension process, I would have to face some of the shadow that I still had around my ideas of worthiness and boundaries.  With my life out of balance, my energy fading, and my frustration building, I knew I needed to make some changes, but I was unsure where to start.    

    This process required me to rely heavily on my faith and pull strength from my connection to the other side.  I went back to my spiritual toolbox, knowing that if Spirit brought me to it, Spirit would lead me through it.  So, I continued my tried and true daily practices like prayer, meditation, and automatic writing to help me heal some old wounds and reprogram the beliefs I subconsciously held.  Still, I knew that I needed to look to new practices and teachers that would help me overcome these unfamiliar challenges and truly heal.

  • In the midst of this struggle, pain, and discord, I found an ancient roadmap that helped me discover more about my true nature - The Enneagram and The 9 Lives Path.  This was the tool that I had been looking for to continue navigating life’s challenges with less struggle and more flow.  It helped me understand myself in a new way, allowing me to connect on a deeper level to my higher self, Spirit, and everyone around me.

    Using the 9 Lives path, I pulled back the curtain on how my past relationships and old beliefs had held me back from living up to my fullest potential.  The challenges I had been facing weren’t just a snapshot in time, but instead were a buildup of so much that I had held in over the years.  This is why that particular chapter felt like a breaking point.  It was a true culmination of my limiting beliefs, my unconscious tendencies, and the choices I had made in the past to react instead of respond.  

    9 Lives gave me a way forward.  In learning more about myself, I was able to forgive my past and move toward a future filled with more abundance, love, and understanding - not only in myself but in those around me.  I gained a new perspective on how to approach all that this “earth school” experience brings.  The Enneagram shows us the various aspects of ourselves and gives us the tools to choose our own way forward - a path with greater grace, ease, and flow.  

    9 Lives has been a journey and it’s one that I continue today.  It has led me to a level of understanding, meaning, and purpose that I can see radiating through all areas of my life.  I know that if this resonates with you, you’re ready to start this journey too.  Join me.

  • While my story is unique to me, I know that it’s one that you might relate to.  Have you ever felt this way?  Lost in your own life?  Like you’re just surviving instead of thriving?  

    Whatever it is that you find yourself facing, you’re not alone.  This is why my brother, Baruch, and I created the 9 Lives Program…

    9 Lives shows you the aspects that live within all of us and how they present for you.  In learning more about your true nature, you can begin to see the difference between reacting and responding, surviving and thriving.  This interactive program allows you to see that there is a choice that lies between the two and that you can make conscious decisions to respond to all that your soul contract entails.

    The one-of-a-kind enneagram assessment, which is included with 9 Lives, will bring to light some of the stories you’re living in and empower you to make a choice.  It gives you your whole type, offering insight on not only your dominant number, but the ways that you operate from your head, your gut, and your heart.  The detailed personal summary gives a rare insight into some of your personal traits, your natural talents and inclinations, and how those play a role in discovering and navigating your soul contract.  With this information, you get to decide how to move forward.  Are your views, intentions, and actions serving you?  Are you relying on old programming or are you operating from your higher self?

    Don’t quite know the answers to those questions?  That’s ok.  9 Lives can offer you some clarity.


What's Inside the 9 Lives Program?


In-Depth Resources

The Enneagram, integrated into the 9 Lives Program, combines spirituality, cosmology, and psychology to offer a comprehensive understanding of your true self, revealing the underlying drivers of your actions, conversations, relationships, and interactions with the world.

Personalized Summary

You’ll get a detailed report specifically tailored to you. It provides a deep dive into your core number and subtypes, uncovers your unique fears, desires, motivations, blind spots, and gifts.

Interactive Content

9 Lives doesn’t just stop at your core Enneagram number and subtype like most other programs. You’ll get guides, detailed ebooks, spiritual roadmaps, and interactive workbooks on all 9 Enneagram types so you can see a complete picture of yourself. 

Meditations & Reference Guides

You get in-depth videos on each  Enneagram number, interviews with Dr. B and Rebecca, guided meditations, spiritual practices, and podcasts to help you uncover and fulfill your unique Soul Contract. 


We’re offering the full 9 Lives program for just $499. You get it all, the most comprehensive enneagram assessment on the market, hours of valuable content, workbooks, reference guides, access to our private community and more.

Save an additional $100 for a limited time using promo code 9LIVES at checkout.

For a limited time get it for $399.

*Promo code valid through 8/31/24


What People Are Saying…



9 Lives has become one of my top go-to spiritual tools, which I put into practice daily. It has empowered me with the awareness to take a beat before reacting in certain situations, consider my enneagram type as well as that of the person I'm engaging with, and come to an intentional response with an understanding for our different tendencies. The result is personal growth, better outcomes from challenges, and stronger relationships.


9 Lives is more than just a personality assessment, it's a spiritual tool that I've found myself going to again and again.  Learning about myself in this new way has given me the awareness and empowerment I need to move forward with more purpose, intention, and understanding.  It's a resource that I know will be useful to me in any challenge, relationship, and transition going forward.


Rebecca BIO:

Rebecca Rosen is a spiritual medium who, for more than two decades, has served as an ambassador between the spirit world and our day-to-day world, relaying wisdom and insight from angels, guides, and those who have passed on to people seeking answers in the here and now.  Her work empowers people to live with intention by reminding them that we are never alone, that we all have the ability to connect to our Team Spirit, and that we are divinely guided throughout our life journey.


Baruch Bio:

As a Logotherapist (meaning-centered psychotherapist), Executive Coach, Rabbi, Enneagram Teacher, and Spiritual Guide, Dr. Baruch "B" HaLevi guides people of all backgrounds, beliefs and traditions to discover deeper meaning in their lives, realize the true purpose for their life, and above all to live a life of response-ability - the ability to choose their response to life.

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Please review all program details before purchasing. All sales are final and non-refundable.


If you have purchased courses and meditations through rebeccarosen.com in the past, you are aware 9 Lives is hosted through a third party site, separate from rebeccarosen.com. When purchasing the program, you'll be taken to an external page for processing payment and for logging into the program. The learning platform that hosts 9 Lives is Thinkific.

If you have purchased courses and meditations through rebeccarosen.com in the past, you'll know that most are hosted through the learning platform, Learnworlds. This program will not be accessible through Learnworlds, so please note any separate login information for this program.

Customer Support

If you have any questions about 9 Lives, please reach out to Rebecca's team at hello@rebeccarosen.com. We will work to either assist you directly or refer you to someone from Baruch HaLevi's team at Defiant Spirit or Soul Centered. Please note that you may be working with a separate team for questions regarding purchases or the program platform.