Elevating Your Spiritual Practice With Change It, Run it, Tap It

It's been a whole year since I introduced my Change It, Run It, Tap It (CRT) program, a spiritual tool that has become increasingly relevant in these transformative times. Both individually and collectively, we're all navigating through vast changes, and I've been turning to CRT more often to help manage these shifts. Originating from my book "What's Your Heaven," CRT evolved into a digital course designed to integrate this daily practice over 30 days. This simple three-step process involves changing old beliefs, energizing oneself with color, and using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to elevate our consciousness and vibrational frequency daily—because, as we know, our vibration shapes our reality.

Using CRT has personally aided me in numerous ways, from healing my inner child to managing anxiety and physical symptoms like inflammation and weight gain. Recently, I've combined CRT with affirmations from my "Letting Go, Letting Grow" meditation series, enhancing its efficacy. This synergy allows for an even more focused approach in our daily spiritual practice, using affirmations as scripts during EFT tapping. Whether you are familiar with these tools or curious to learn more, I encourage you to explore how they might fit into your spiritual routine. Remember, adaptability is key—take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Each tool is here to support your connection to your higher self and aid in your journey through this earthly experience. Wishing you all the brightest blessings and love on your path to becoming your best self!

Discover the transformative power of CRT to elevate your daily practice and align your energy with your highest potential!

Letting Go, Letting Grow Series:

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What’s Your Heaven?

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Change It, Run It, Tap It Program

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